Yum 'The story of my home' - Nehal


'The story of my home' - Nehal

 Today, we have Nehal with us on the blog, who takes us thru her home. Join me friends and am sure you are going to have a virtual treat !

"We all have a story to tell. and part of the way we do this is through our homes"
- Nate Berkus

I’m unapologetically obsessed with home decor. Decorating my house to me is therapeutic. My home is my happy place and my creative outlet. And chances are, if you are here and reading this, you like home decor too, which makes me like you already :)

My happiness quotient is “joy in life is in the little things”. I am a strong believer of this mantra. My home resonates with all of the above :)

My husband’s work called for multiple relocations between countries and that gave me plenty of opportunities to venture into new home projectS. New county,new home,new project!! While a few may find the idea of multiple relocations crazy, for me, they were uber exciting! I thoroughly enjoyed and looked forward to it :) Now we are back to India, back HOME, and I am back to my new home decor project!

It will soon be a year since we moved to India...  

With years of travel and stay outside of the country, my home decor style has evolved... While my heart is still true to the warm and colorful palette of Indian colors, it melts to the neat furniture lines and the beige, grey and whites from the Scandinavian and western style. It was overwhelming what path to pursue when I first started thinking of ideas for my new abode. This is when I stopped thinking too hard and decided to let the creative juices flow naturally staying true to my natural style and instincts! As they say, true style has the chance to emerge when you stop worrying about what everyone else is doing, will think or might say... and do what makes your guts grin! Did exactly that!

I also think your home is a reflection of your personality and should be decorated in a way that it feels like a real HOME, one which can be actually lived in!! Have tried to achieve that.  
So here we are - Welcome to CAASA MIA - MY HOME :) 

PS: They are a zillion things that I already want to change in the house :) Till those changes happen, hope you like Version 001 of CASAA MIA :) 

Nehal, thoroughly enjoyed visiting your home virtually! Thank you so much for being a part of sajavat, my creative journey!

As a decor enthusiast, what struck me most was the vivid use of colours in Nehal's home. The plants, books, frames, rugs and other textiles like cushions, bed elements all add to the appeal without overpowering the other!
The flowers in a glass bottle/ vase,  stems of Chinese Eucalyptus on the shelf (if am not mistaken) and the fillers are little pretty things which actually helps turn a 'House to Home'

I find the lighting fixtures in the kitchen and living room worth a mention, which very well goes with her scheme of decor. Another very noteworthy feature is how the pooja room is done up with heavy wood work, the typical Indian way but how well it merges with the rest of the decor. That reinforces the fact, that decor is all about following your heart. Isnt it?
As someone wise said on the golden rule of decorating: 'Live with what you love!'


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