Yum A home where re-purposing is a way of life!


A home where re-purposing is a way of life!

As a blogger, i have always enjoyed covering homes that have a distinct character of its own.The home tour of this month is supposed to be just that! A sailor's home and how the wife lovingly takes care of the brick and mortar and turns it into a dream abode for the family, is what draws and pulls me to feature it on my blog.

Ankita... The name behind this lovely home is travel inspired and many of the corners at her home adorns the souvenirs, she has fondly collected during her travel with her sailor hubby.
She is the mother of a toddler, 2 furry babies and in numerous plants. Around 35 years old with just some renovation in the wiring and flooring, the rest of the house is untouched as Ankita and her hubby appreciate the love and sweat gone behind constructing the home by their parents and would like it to exude the old world charm.

 Ankita says, she loves playing with colour schemes and you will notice the same corners being styled differently in each image. I love this passion in home owners who try and give a new look to their homes every now and then. To tell you all, her home caught the fancy of another popular home decor blogger who has already featured her home. To keep the freshness alive, Ankita went ahead as suggested and changed the soft furnishings and other decor elements to give a whole new look to her living space.
Here, Ankita shares a little secret with us. She has used nails on the walls such that she can easily switch frames and other artifacts whenever needed.

 Let me take you all to her living area. The colour scheme for the moment is all pink and blue as opposed to the earlier one which had a tinge of rust in it.The furniture is cane which is durable, lightweight and relatively easier to maintain.

I shall also share the image of her earlier decor scheme, so that one can  observe the change and notice how a mere change of furnishings can entirely alter the look and feel of a given space.

Earlier...Decor scheme with earthy orange

Ankita feels she canot stick to any one particular decor style but loves changing her home decor according to festivals and seasons. At the same time, modern homes with false ceilings and fixtures is a big no to her.

Now for the image, that captivated me to get in touch with Ankita for a home feature.

The blues and whites remindes me of waves and fluffy clouds...a sailor's companion😊

 Tell me folks, isn't that four poster bed just too inviting? This room radiates the perfect dose of class and calmness essential in a bedroom. Wont you agree with me here?

I think being a sailor's wife the colour blue holds a special meaning for Ankita, as you can see some corners and a wall decorated with blue.

The striking blue wall gives the perfect backdrop to all the cherished artifacts

Breath taking...

Greens enhancing the corner

As is evident from the pictures, Ankita loves plants. She has been adding more and more of them in her decor to bring liveliness and happiness around home. She adds that, spending time with the greens is her favourite activity and she loves doing this with her kiddo.

Moving on to the staircase gallery wall which is the most talked about wall in her home, establishes the strong influence of a sailor's life in the decor. "It has so many memories of different port cities, we have visited during sailing" says Ankita

Delightful to look at!

The staircase landing made special with thoughtful knick knacks

In Ankita's words, "Art is my passion which you can see in my decor as well. I love watching DIY videos and implementing them in my home. Re purposing old stuff and giving them a new lease of life is something am genuinely fond of!
I have used window frames to enhance vertical gardens, old bottles are used to propagate new plants and this headboard from my mother in laws cot, adds visual interest to this wall, when placed alongside the jharokas.Nothing goes waste! Reusing and re cycling is the mantra i follow always!"

Love the framed DIY

Fab idea!

Elegance at it's best!

The other bedrooms...

Creating vignette around home give us a scope to exhibit our skill as a "Decorista". Aren't you all with me on this?
Some more wonderful styling from Ankita's place.

With this, we come to the end of this home tour. Hope this taste fully done abode, inspires and gives you many ideas, to do your home!

Homes tours not only let us peep into the lives of like minded people but influences us to create cozy and well maintained spaces for our loved ones too!

Thanks a ton Ankita for inviting us to your favorite place- A place simply called "HOME"

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